* Lecturers are listed in alphabetical order * Please note that the program and speakers are subject to change * In order to prevent COVID-19 infection, some changes might occur to the current format
dr dr dr dr 9:00〜12:00

-A Close Approach to Your Child's Development-
Food, Life, and Oral Functions

  • Healthy Dentition Resides in Healthy Function ~ Never Overlook Oral Habits in Elementary-Age Children

    While it is difficult to deal with psychological changes during elementary school, elementary-age is critical for dental treatment, where proper intervention can lead to future improvements in the oral cavity. The best outcome can be obtained by not overlooking the signs of abnormality and taking appropriate measures such as providing guidance or minor treatments. It is essential to get involved from the lower grades to pave the way for elementary school students. In this presentation, we will consider how to handle elementary-aged children, focusing on the topic of oral habits, which is a particularly problematic oral function.

  • "Diets" "Functions" and "Habits" from the View of Dentistry

    "Diet," "functions," and "habits" are interrelated, and they support the growth of children. Since lifestyle plays an essential role in maintaining oral health after adulthood, an approach is required where "diet," "functions," and "habits" related to the oral cavity are taught at the clinic at an early age. Lifestyle is a vague topic; therefore, the critical points will be identified. Some things we can do to assist the process will be discussed and issues we may face in the future.

  • Children's Brushing Growth and Progress in Eating Habits

    How do children's brushing and eating habits influence each other? There are different types of children, but I will discuss how children gradually grow, change, and become independent through their involvement with dental clinics and kindergarten. What did I see in each child, and how did I approach them? I hope this information will help dental hygienists understand how children should spend their time developing a proper habits for the future.

  • The Concept of Oral Functions to Be Addressed from an Early Age

    I think that oral function development from a young age is in a very important position in order to enhance QOL in adulthood and old age. Eating, talking, and breathing. In order for these things to be properly nurtured, it actually goes back to the involvement from the time of the foetation. This time, I will focus on how to proceed with baby food from infancy and how to eat infant food, and talk about how important this period is for the development of oral function. And I want to clarify what we should do as dental care workers.