* Lecturers are listed in alphabetical order * Please note that the program and speakers are subject to change * In order to prevent COVID-19 infection, some changes might occur to the current format
dr dr dr dr 14:30〜17:00

The Key to A Healthy Mouth! Communication Skills to Encourage Follow Up Visits

  • Effective Communication

    You don’t have to be gifted to be a good communicator. Just a few tips and practices are all you need to know to bet better at it. A good communication skill is essential in daily lives, such as patient education, communicating with your colleagues, and delivering presentations. Just in the matter of 45 minutes, you will find yourself becoming a better communicator.

  • Dental Clinics Branding Methods: Making Perfect Relations with Patients

    What is the requirement to be the best selected dental clinic by the patients from among the oversupplied dental offices? To say nothing of the high-quality care, we need to organize the team of dentists and staff that shares the same vector.
    I would like to present the secret method of branding strategy to build -up the “win-win-win” circumstances for the patients, dental clinic and the staff from the viewpoints of clinical care and the hospitality.

  • It's How You Say It -5 Keys: Communication Changes Behavior-

    In daily clinical practice, you may often be worried that "the patient's motivation will not increase”. If our "way of communication" changes, the behavior of patients will change. It is important to understand "why the patient's behavior does not change" and "how to communicate it". This time, I will tell you the tips that can be easily used, such as how to use specific words using psychology. I hope that it will help you to carry out daily OHI more effectively and build a deep trusting relationship with your patients.