* Lecturers are listed in alphabetical order * Please note that the program and speakers are subject to change * Please note that the onsite and online program are subject to change * Speakers for Live Streamed/On demand may be subject to change * In order to prevent COVID-19 infection, some changes might occur to the current format
dr dr drOn demand dr 9:00〜12:00
On demand

Dental Care Oriented Toward Improving Oral Functions for Aging Patients

With the proportion of elderly people growing significantly, geriatric dentistry has become even more important than it has been in the past. This session will be focused on recent initiatives and research that have been conducted to improve “oral frail” and “oral dysfunction” in Japan. Additionally, the current situation in Europe will also be discussed to consider the global role of dental care in the future.


Dr. FUKAI, Kakuhiro

Fukai Dental Clinic and Fukai institute of Health Science

  • Global Oral Health in an Ageing Society: Evidence, Policy, Practice and Evaluation

    As we face the rapid ageing of our global population, many efforts to deal with this problem have been initiated in various fields of academic research as well as in medical, health, welfare, and community settings. Policy measures that should prioritized for promoting healthy longevity include evidence-based prevention and control of NCDs and frailty coupled with a life course approach. Achieving this, however, requires the development and implementation of multi-professional collaborative practice. In this lecture, I would like to discuss these points in a global context while introducing Japan’s current health policy for achieving a healthy ageing society and a sustainable social security system.

    Healthy Life Expectancy, Universal Health Coverage, Geriatric Health Policy, Life Course Approach, Oral Health Inequalities, Oral Function

  • Impact of Deterioration of Oral Health and Eating Function on the General Health and QOL

    Eating is one of essential human digestive function but also the joy of living left till the end of our life. Supporting proper oral feeding function would lead to maintain or improve patients’ quality of life in super aged society. Mastication has significant impact on swallowing and feeding, especially in frail older individuals. Poor masticatory performance increases the risk of malnutrition, choking or aspiration pneumonia in those patients. Thus, preventing deterioration of oral health and eating function is essential for older individuals to live longer healthy life. I will talk the mechanism of eating function and dysfunction and its clinical applications.

    Oral Management,Eating Function,Dysphagia,Malnutrition,Rehabilitation

  • A European Perspective on Oral Functional Parameters

    In geriatrics, there has recently been increased interest in the assessment and management of orofacial functional parameters, as the ageing process is an important co-factor in the decline of functional capacity from a fit state to signs and symptoms of hypofunction, which may lead to decreased general health and quality of life.
    Oral frailty may be the first step towards manifest painful and functional problems, which can be qualified as oral hypofunction. In epidemiological studies, the key components of oral hypofunction were identified: poor oral hygiene, oral dryness, reduced occlusal force, decreased tongue-lip motor function, decreased tongue pressure, decreased masticatory function, and deterioration of swallowing function. However, most of the research related to orofacial hypofunction was conducted exclusively in Japan with Japanese cohorts.
    In the presentation, the feasibility and cut-off values for the diagnosis will be critically discussed in the light of research that was recently conducted with European cohorts.

    Gerodontology,Epidemiology,Health Care System,Dental Care Provision for The Elderly,Oral Health Care Challenges

  • What Can We Do from the Results of Oral-Function Examinations?

    The objective evaluation of oral function has become easier and easier to perform with the development and improvement of various testing devices. On the other hand, many dentists and dental hygienists feel difficulties in how to communicate the test results to patients and how to use the test results in daily clinical practice. In this session, I would like to talk about how to use the results of oral function tests and effective methods of oral function management.

    Gerodontology, Oral Function, Examination, Oral Frailly, Oral Hypofunction